Triptease empowers hotels to recapture guest relationships, increase direct bookings, and learn from every interaction to improve their overall web experience. With Triptease, hoteliers are able to use data to free themselves from a reliance on online travel agencies (OTAs).

Triptease – Bringing hospitality online

The Direct Booking Platform integrates with a hotel’s website and booking engine, and allows hoteliers to personalise and continuously improve the guest experience using targeted messaging, automated live chat assistance and industry-leading parity management tools.

Hotels are being undercut by OTAs 30% of the time and this not only has a huge impact on their direct conversion rate – it also means that with every booking the OTAs learn more about how to target and convert the hotel’s guests. The result is that OTAs continue to build an enormous data advantage over the hotel industry. Triptease exists to redress that power balance.

Success comes from your rate of learning

By integrating with Triptease technology, hoteliers are able to track user behaviour on their website and then serve tailored messages and promotions based on that behaviour – for example, an early-bird offer to a guest searching six months in advance of their stay. The Insights Dashboard displays a range of quick view graphs, charts and benchmarking information, telling hoteliers everything they need to know about their website visitors, comp set and direct booking trends. This allows hoteliers to relentlessly improve the guest experience on their own direct channel. They can also learn how well they are performing in relation to similar businesses, and amend their strategies and KPIs accordingly.

Showing guests a fair and trusted price direct

Triptease’s parity management and Price Check tools help hoteliers to monitor and optimise their parity so they can offer guests the best price direct and increase direct bookings via their own website. The Disparity Dungeon provides a live feed of every time a guest makes a search on a hotel website and an OTA is offering a better price for that same stay. Hoteliers can view all the information about the booking as well as being able to download screenshots of the disparity to use as evidence when negotiating with OTAs.

With Price Check displaying on their website, hoteliers can show guests their own prices in comparison to their chosen range of OTAs every time a guest makes a search and they are in price parity. This means guests can instantly see that booking direct with the hotel is the best option.

Learn continuously by identifying audiences and experimenting with messaging

Message Porter encourages hoteliers to continuously test and iterate their messaging by identifying high value audiences and trialling different offers. Hoteliers can build and edit targeted messages easily in the self-service Message Builder and review their performance instantly in the Message Manager. Messages can be set up to display when guests arrive on the page or when they are showing signs of leaving and can be targeted by visitor country, webpage, check-in date or length of stay.

This kind of super targeted onsite messaging helps hoteliers to optimise their direct channel and strengthen their relationship with guests. It also means that hoteliers can begin to access the same speed of learning that OTAs have been benefiting from for years.

Removing pain points creates an effortless path to purchase

Guests need different pieces of information from a hotel before they can move closer to booking. If visitors are spending a long time on a website, visiting a number of pages in one session or if a hotel is seeing poor conversion from their website to their booking engine, this may be because their potential guests are hitting blockers on their path to purchase.

Triptease’s automated live chat tool – Front Desk – is designed to help guests overcome those blockers. With an AI chatbot available to answer the majority of guest questions instantly, hoteliers can bring their own unique style of service online without the need for any additional staff. Live chat is an increasingly popular form of customer communication, and with Front Desk hoteliers can offer a truly dynamic, mobile suited experience to every guest automatically.

Front Desk is the only live chat tool built specifically for hoteliers – offering a range of industry specific tools such as image and PDF messaging, smart tagging and secure, PCI-compliant card detail collection. Front Desk removes pain points in a guest’s journey and creates an effortless path to booking.

A conscious, intelligent customer booking journey

What makes Triptease products unique is that they are designed to work in unison to enhance the customer journey, not to complicate it. There is no benefit to having a huge range of messaging options if they don’t combine intelligently to provide a logical, joined-up experience for potential guests.

Triptease’s data scale provides a deep understanding of which types of message work best at each stage of the booking journey, and that knowledge is used to provide the right message at the right time – without ever overwhelming the customer. Triptease hoteliers know that they will be able to provide a more conscious online experience, with each element of the platform working together to create simpler, smarter interactions with their guests.

Global reach and regional presence

Triptease works with thousands of hotels around the world and this significant data scale means they are able to automate much of the optimisation experience by constantly feeding their learnings from thousands of websites back into the platform for the benefit of every client.

With a dedicated Customer Success team in regional offices globally offering coaching and support, Triptease provides a comprehensive onboarding programme designed to understand hoteliers’ direct booking issues and business goals. Triptease’s Customer Success Team are also available throughout the year to help hoteliers understand their progress and how they can continue to improve.