First impressions count, especially in a hotel. From stepping into the lobby to walking through the corridors and entering a bedroom, guests are evaluating the ambience of the hotel, its look and, most importantly, how comfortable and welcoming it is. The building’s management system can play an important role in improving environmental conditions for hotel guests, as well as reducing the operating and maintenance costs for hotel owners and operators.

Part of improving the well-being and comfort of guests is placing control in their hands, giving them the opportunity to change the temperature, air conditioning, and even the lighting within a space to suit their own preferences and maintain a comfortable environment.


It is important to provide a high-quality user interface that enables guests to understand what the current conditions are and how to adjust them, whether it is wall mounted or controlled via an app on their smartphone. Distech Controls, for example, has just launched the new Allure UNITOUCH, an easy-to-operate device that can be accessed and operated with a high-resolution 3.5in capacitive touch screen or wirelessly from a smartphone using Bluetooth. Users can view and adjust environmental settings to meet their requirements; this includes fine-tuning the temperature and fan-speed settings, as well as controlling the light levels and adjusting the sunblinds. Everything can be done via this one-user interface, making it extremely simple for guests to navigate.

This type of device is more than a room controller: it is a revolutionary way of interacting with a space. Working in conjunction with the new my PERSONIFY mobile app, it provides users with higher level of control through the touch of a button.

Greener hotels

Although guests’ comfort and well-being are becoming increasingly important issues, energy efficiency still remains high on the agenda for hoteliers; and these two elements can be interlinked.

With Allure UNITOUCH, users will see an innovative ECO-Vue leaf pattern on the interface, which shows energy consumption in real time to promote energy-conscious behaviours. As more leaves appear, greater energy efficiency is being achieved, while fewer leaves will encourage the user to take corrective actions to optimise the system’s environmental performance.

Increased operational efficiencies

Using room-control devices, such as Allure UNITOUCH, also give hotel owners and operators a vast amount of data about the building. It can monitor and analyse occupancy data, allowing settings to be changed and updated whenever an occupant is in the space. Different environmental settings can also be configured for bedrooms, meeting rooms and lobby areas. The data can also be analysed to understand which rooms are being occupied, in order to streamline cleaning rotas or ensure the right amount of breakfast is prepared based on the number of guests. This all adds up, increasing operational efficiencies as well as cost savings for a hotel.

Great guest experience is vital to the success of a hotel. The building management system has always been an important element when it comes to monitoring and controlling operational and environmental conditions within a hotel, but it also has the ability to help guests feel more comfortable during their stay.