Countless users, large barefoot areas, regular contact between skin and surfaces; for these to be possible as part of wellness experiences without hygiene concerns, operators of swimming pools and spa facilities must guarantee cleanliness. There are recommendations made by various institutions, but cleaning plans are ultimately left to individuals. Disinfection is often carried out, although this step is not always necessary. Anybody who works at these types of places will know that correct cleaning procedures will tackle the proliferation of things like athlete’s foot. Investing in adequate cleaning equipment is therefore an essential part of any competitive wellness business.

Depriving mould fungus of a breeding ground

People change in swimming pools and thermal baths once they have left the changing room, as their senses of hygiene differ when they shed their regular clothes. Something that is considered perfectly decent in the office is no longer acceptable when in the sauna facility. An important point regarding cleanliness in barefoot areas is avoiding the spread of athlete’s foot on floors.

With the right cleaning, the use of disinfectant can be minimised. If acid and alkaline cleaning agents are used alternately, bacteria are deprived of their living space through the removal of mineral and organic dirt. It is important to note that floors with cement-based joints and tiles should be watered before agents containing acid are used: these surfaces would absorb the water rather than the acid, and would not be damaged.

Mechanical force and appropriate accessories

In practice, disinfectant is often applied after cleaning the floors, left to work overnight and rinsed off the next day. Anyone who uses the mechanical force of scrubber-dryers or single-disc machines and keeps floors suitably could avoid the disinfection stage.

Above all, the choice of the right brushes or pads for the machines is relevant to achieving the desired cleaning result without causing damage. Coarse-surfaced tiles can be handled particularly well with high-low brush rollers, whereas finestructured tiles may require microfibre rollers.

Melamine-resin pads are used in combination with singledisc machines in the case of stubborn dirt on porcelain stoneware, which may show up as greying.

Pads with abrasive grains should not be used on anti-slip tiles at all, as this would lead to a gradual smoothing and therefore increase the risk of slippage.

Surface cleaning: steam and high pressure

Whether spa area or indoor swimming pool, many surfaces are in direct contact with the skin – walls, benches, wooden or PVC loungers, changing rooms and lockers. In order to eliminate possible germs, manual disinfection will be necessary. Disinfectants based on oxygen releasers should be used, as these do not leave stains on wood. The general rule is to use as much disinfectant as necessary, but as little as possible.

Depending on the conditions of the space, a steam cleaner is suitable for thorough cleaning of walls and loungers. Lint-free terry cloths, combined with large floor nozzles, enable the effective cleaning of larger surfaces. If sanitary facilities, showers, walls, floors, anti-slip mats and tiled benches are to be cleaned, high-pressure cleaners are the tool to choose. It is important that users are instructed in handling them. The nozzle must not be held too close to a surface when spraying in order to avoid potential surface damage.

Furrther points on wellness

  • Experienced manufacturers may also offer the following advice: Flying rust’ particles on stainless-steel surfaces can be removed by using phosphoric acid-based sanitary cleaners.
  • Thermal baths with a higher mineral content must be cleaned more often and more intensively.
  • If underfloor heating is installed, cleaning must be carried out in stages, otherwise cleaning solution can dry out due to the higher temperatures.
  • The flow direction of the water gully at the edge of the swimming pool has to be reversed so that no cleaning agent flows into the pool.
  • Condensation on window panes does not contain any minerals, but it does saturate, however, so that the panes become blind; tarnishing can be easily avoided by the regular removal of water.
  • Thoroughness pays off.

The cleaning of facilities requires a level of effort for operators, especially as certain work cannot be carried out in the day due to the presence of the public. Thus it is often a matter of ensuring thorough cleanliness in narrow time frames – typically early in the morning. So the right equipment is even more worthwhile as it enables efficient and rapid cleaning. If the cleaning is done correctly, mould fungus and algae can be eliminated without washing-out joints or staining wood. Therefore, bathing and sauna guests get the enjoyable experience that they have paid for, word gets around, and new guests are attracted to the facility.