Simon understands that in individual spaces, such as guest rooms, more control, features and experiences for guests are required. These are obtainable through easy-to-use keypads from its ‘Sense’ collection, and simplified integration in upgrade processes with traditionally installed devices that also offer connectivity potential through the Simon 100 app. For the needs of group spaces, such as event rooms and lobbies, connectivity solutions are provided for those who need to work during their stay, and biodynamic lighting to make long gatherings comfortable.

Simon can offer new lighting designs for the urban setting of the building, as well as the chance to make the hotel stand out in regard to energy efficiency, thanks to electric vehicle charging posts for environmentally conscious clients. An example of this feature can be found at the Hotel MiM in Sitges, Spain, the first in Europe to be LEED Platinumcertified, and that offers vehicle charging stations.

A custom experience in every room

The Sense series communicates directly with the guest, independent of their age or culture. ‘Sense’ has a modular and flexible touch interface for controlling the lighting, temperature and even for accessing all types of hotel services – by way of a simple and user-friendly device that integrates into the design of the room.

‘Sense’ gives users a feeling of control from first contact, thanks to the feedback response provided by the keypad, which comes in three languages to ensure communication with the guests. The device vibrates when it is turned on, emits a sound and lights up when activated. This feedback is adjustable and lets the user know that the device was pressed correctly, and whether the desired feature has been activated or not. The LED light also indicates constantly if a feature is on or not, as shown by the light on the associated icon. ‘Sense’ keypads can be customised with a series of symbols to indicate the assigned function.

Also of note is the Simon 100 series, with its technological, appealing design. This series of switches was created to celebrate the company’s centenary, and draws its inspiration from the internet of things (IoT). ‘Simon 100’ can be used to digitise a space through a master device (iO HUB), which features a Wi-Fi connection. This hub connects to a smartphone application, which offers features such as being able to program the devices and outlets in each space. This eliminates the need for complex remotes and displays for guests, maintaining a minimalist design and expanding the potential functionality.

The Simon 100 series recently incorporated customisable kits, offering, for example, an outlet, rocker and USB charger in a compact design that adds the element of connectivity to a reduced space. Not only that, it also ensures the guest’s mobile will be charged as fast as possible, as it is capable of detecting the type of device that is connected.

The importance of common areas

Hotel occupancy intended for congresses and conferences has taken hold in recent years to become an area with a large financial impact in the sector. Hotels now have to offer common areas that live up to the same standards as the rooms. In an effort to make these spaces both appealing and profitable, Simon created ‘Scena’, a control system that allows setting up different lighting types, or ‘scenes’. This feature can be used to add diversity to a space, and also to adapt it to the needs of congresses and meetings. During the same session, the light can be focused on the speaker or it can be moved to a specific product when talking about its features.

Diffuse lighting and colour changes can be used during the same session. This guarantees the audience’s attention and enhances the sales pitch or the training that is being provided.

A biodynamic luminaire can also help to prevent fatigue during long sessions, and thus make the congress or meeting more productive for those in attendance. Scena calculates the position of the sun based on the time and the geolocation of where it is being used. With this information, it can recreate the lighting that would be present if a closed room were exposed to natural light. This helps the audience to regulate their circadian rhythms, that is, the physiological functions associated with our biological clock, thereby avoiding fatigue and enhancing brain activity.

Come one, come communal

Guests, even those who are not attending congresses or professional meetings, are spending more time in common areas. It is essential that halls, cafeterias and bars offer connectivity options, since more and more professionals want to stay connected so they can run their business or do work, even when travelling. Hotels must meet this new need as much as possible by offering compact solutions that allow professionals to find all the connections they need, whether it’s to charge devices or go online.

The Simon 400 series, although intended for work spaces, has been enthusiastically received by hotel companies thanks to its compact design, which is easily integrated into different decorative styles, and also because it has been designed to boost the connectivity with the portable versions of today’s new work tools. ‘Simon 400’ has received the prestigious IF Design Award in the product design category, from the IF International Forum Design.

Exteriors that build brands

Outdoor products have been adapted to meet the needs of hotel and resort complexes. These solutions feature refined appearance, such as the Merak and Altair lines, which can be finished in graphite, for example, to cover the route taken by guests arriving by car to the hotel’s car park or entrance.

In addition, Simon is a pioneer in charging solutions for electric vehicles, where it offers customisable options. These charging stations are also highly customisable and can be adapted to various needs depending on the specific hotel that offers this service as a courtesy and which can track the electricity use by means of a personal card that identifies the guest, turns on the charger and allows the vehicle to be charged.

Simon’s electrical vehicle charging solutions stand out because they are simple to use, robust, easy to install, flexible, can be integrated with thirdparty systems and have the official certification of various electric vehicle manufacturers: Renault, Nissan, Mitsubishi and Hyundai.