How important is it for a Simon device to be intuitive to use?

Daniel Mansilla: The intuitiveness of our products is an absolute must for Simon. In fact, you could say it’s part of our DNA as a company, as experts in developing and designing interfaces. This is even more important for the hotel and hospitality solutions we provide. Simply put, hotel guests only spend a few hours in their rooms and they don’t have time to learn how devices work. Therefore, everything about how the devices work must be perfectly clear and easy to understand, providing each client a perfect user experience.

How customisable are your devices?

In Simon, we have a wide range of products and vast experience in developing switches and sockets, also known as wiring devices. Our range of solutions, which come in a variety of designs, formats, colours and finishings, are adaptable to every need and preference. In our Simon 100 smart switch series, we offer special kits specifically focused on the hotel market that facilitate a perfect solution and design.

What specific Simon products would you recommend for a hotel room?

Among our different types of solutions for the hotel sector, we are very proud of our Simon 100 series of smart switches for their stylish and modern design, which, as I’ve mentioned, include different kits specifically designed for hotels. The line also provides a wide range of useful dimming solutions. Above all, it’s incredibly easy for guests to operate, and for hotels to create different scenes and the perfect light level for each room.

What charging systems does Simon provide that enhance common rooms without changing their design aspects?

All our USB solutions for hotel rooms – an indispensable utility for the modern hotel guest – have been designed meticulously in a very neutral and yet elegant style to perfectly integrate in all types of designs. These products also incorporate a special technology called ‘Smartcharge’, capable of powering up devices in the shortest time possible.

"We create experiences through our clients’ everyday actions, allowing them to experience new sensations through technology, design and simplicity."

In conclusion, why should hotel operators choose Simon over and above its rivals in the marketplace?

Simon has been in the business for over 100 years, and we have a profound and in-depth knowledge and expertise, constantly focusing on understanding our customers and adjusting to their different needs.

We create experiences through our clients’ everyday actions, allowing them to experience new sensations through technology, design and simplicity. At Simon, we make innovation the norm, and make the standard into something beautiful – we simplify the most advanced technology so that no effort is required.