Premium hotels have always been a source of inspiration for the latest trends in ambitious lifestyle and design; now they also show the best of modern technology. Innovative and exciting technology is as much a sign of distinction in the hospitality industry as fine materials, top facilities and exceptional services. As guests become increasingly knowledgeable and accustomed to technological excellence, hotels must be at the forefront to offer an experience that will be considered truly luxurious.

A groundbreaking screen technology

LG’s OLED Wallpaper TV is an outstanding example of this, reflecting luxury through technological invention and boasting a design with immediate impact. Slimmer than a painting and mounted directly on the wall, it refines the concept of a television to its purest element – a window into another world. OLED is one of LG’s technological jewels, giving the market a new vision on what a screen can do.

The aesthetics of the OLED screen make it an ideal choice for high-end hotels. Although televisions have not always been attractive items from the point of view of design, this wall-mounted screen, with its thin depth and almost weightless design, allows the television to be a standout feature.

OLED televisions are equipped with self-lighting technology, with no backlight units; when the pixels are off, there is no parasitic light in the background and the picture is totally black. The self-lighting pixels create greater contrast between light and dark, and represent gradations in colour with unprecedented fidelity. LG’s OLED is known for its black level and infinite contrast; the units display vivid colours and give incomparable picture quality.

OLED screens also have an extremely fast response time, meaning the fast-moving, highly detailed picture created by high-definition resolution is displayed without any delay. The screen can also be seen accurately from a wide viewing angle, meaning it is possible to watch from multiple locations in the hotel room.

This technology has the potential to lead the market for years to come. The technology used for the first television screens, the cathode ray tube, dominated the market for decades before being replaced by plasma screens, LCD and later LED. LG believes that OLED will remain in place as the market-leading solution for a significant amount of time. However, LG’s current offerings are not the last word for this technology, as the company focuses on innovation; developments will include advancements in bezel dimension and maximum curvature radius.

The premium offer in the hospitality industry stretches throughout the hotel. It’s expected that not only will rooms offer televisions of the highest grade, but also that hotels themselves are employing innovative technological solutions to give guests the best possible service. The need to offer the best possible service is the way of thinking behind LG’s holistic hospitality television solutions, which meets the guests’ experience and the needs of hoteliers.

LG offers hotels televisions specifically designed for the hospitality industry – commercial-grade televisions – which differ significantly from consumer televisions. LG’s hospitality televisions can be connected with management systems, allowing volume and channel settings to be set externally, and for hotel-specific welcome screens to be created.

Personalised and interactive contents

LG’s hotel television management systems – Pro:Centric Smart, Pro:Centric Value and Pro:Centric Direct – are particularly important tools for the hospitality industry. Pro:Centric Direct allows Internet Protocol (IP) and coax (RF) network-based remote management, which means that televisions can offer guests a personalised experience. Channels can be managed by grade and group to tailor them to the needs of the guest. This means that an individual business traveller can get information on a hotel’s conference facilities, while a family could see details of childcare and children’s films.

Pro:Centric Direct’s easily editable templates make it possible to create television welcome screens that reflect the hotel’s specific branding and design, play marketing videos, and advertise hotel facilities and services. The units can even be updated to greet the guest by name.

Televisions in all the hotel rooms can be managed externally, eliminating the need to spend time and resources going from room to room. Through Pro:Centric it is possible to edit channel labels and set the start volume level, as well as the brightness and colour of the display. A key lock blocks the remote menu key, stopping guests from altering the televisions settings. Remote management also means that software can be installed and updated remotely.

Pro:Centric Direct enables the hotel room television to take guest experience to a new level, allowing guests and hotel management to interact with each other. Messages can be sent to specific rooms via the server, providing information on promotions and available facilities, as well as information such as menu options. For guests, the server creates a seamless and easy way to communicate their needs via its interactive solution, including one-click services on the television. This makes it possible for guests to book an appointment at the spa, request more towels, order room service, see their invoice, and, at the end of their stay, check out – all via the LG Hotel television.

A hospitality solution

Combining groundbreaking screen technology, and the system management tools to impress guests and contribute to the smooth running of a hotel, LG provides holistic television solutions designed to appeal to the hotel industry on numerous levels. LG will continue creating and refining solutions for the hospitality industry; seen by consumers as an industry leader, quality, design, price and innovation are of the highest importance to LG Electronics.