As we move past the pandemic, hotels have been experiencing a sharp upturn in performance, almost reaching 2019 levels. The march and rise of the brands and branded hotels seem inevitable.

The question remains; however, how many brands is too many and how good are we as an industry at explaining to the clients what each stands for?

Portugal’s potential as a global tourist destination is now clear to all, and proof of this is found in an improvement in tourism statistics, which in turn translates into greater interest from international investors. International branded hotel supply is increasingly significant, far outstripping the national offer and showing a need for greater diversification by local chains.

Key Points

  • Top ranking continues to be led by national players
    The ranking of chains and brands by number of rooms remains very similar to that of previous years with Pestana Hotel Group and Vila Galé Hotéis as leaders.
  • Non-stop for international brands
    The number of international brands has increased by 26% versus 18% for national brands. The gap is increasing over the years in favour of the international supply.
  • Hotel pipeline
    It is worth highlighting the high number of projects currently underway (more than 70), which will represent an increase in the hotel supply of more than 3,600 accommodation units.
  • Investment
    Experts predict that 2022 is likely to be a record year for hotel investment with international companies becoming increasingly important.