As a corporate executive, you've seen first-hand how hybrid work can disconnect teams, limit sales potential, and complicate growth. You're also an innovative leader that's always looking for ways to help your team succeed. That's why you recognise the enormous opportunity that the metaverse could bring to your organisation. Video calls and webinars provide a static experience that lacks the flexibility required to create deeper connections because you can't fully immerse yourself into the brand experience.

This is where Allseated comes in. As the leader in digital experiences, we're your guide into the metaverse. We know your team needs a better way to work remotely, and you need it now.

Imagine in one room, the marketing team is hosting a product launch event. Next door, the sales team is closing another deal. Across the hall, the HR team is holding a training session. From simple meeting spaces to comprehensive digital office environments, you can customise your corporate metaverse with Meetaverse™.

We provide you with a platform to lead your team into the future and create a collaborative corporate metaverse your entire organisation will love. With Meetaverse™, you'll be able to navigate, communicate and collaborate in digital workplaces designed to support remote work environments, provide immersive brand experiences, and accelerate sales. The metaverse will drive every aspect of your business.

Collaborate and connect in your own virtual HQ while we assist you in designing and recreating your current workspace. It's the ideal environment to connect with people, make lasting impressions, and drive growth through meaningful brand experiences. It's time to fuel deeper and authentic connections let your inspiration grow and measure your impact in fully customisable digital workplaces.

As you step into Meetaverse™ you can experience a virtual meeting environment, and while in any meeting on Meetaverse™ campus, you can screen share, it's easy to navigate and communicate at the same time Meetaverse™ has a 3D object library with over 10,000 items that you can choose from. You can integrate content for endless branding opportunities. During presentations and workshops, you can configure the stage in numerous ways. The platform also includes an SSO Dashboard, mobile access, and an array of activities.

We offer the latest immersive technology and most innovative features giving you creative freedom, flexible design options, and brand customisation.

  • Meetings: formal and informal, 1-to-1, 1-to-many
  • Facilitates group engagement
  • Screen sharing: both in conversations and presentations with the full-screen capability
  • Ability to share files and videos and live stream
  • Meeting recordings (GDPR compliant)
  • Easy, self-guided navigation with your own gender neutral robot
  • Video and audio calling
  • Chat: upload and download files (with emojis)
  • Single Sign-On capability
  • Fully customisable design
  • Content integration for endless branding opportunities
  • Presentations: Ability to create multiple configurations (multiple or panel presenters)
  • Audience participation with live Q&A, chat, emoticons, and more
  • Dashboard with live overview of engagement
  • Administrative controls
  • Analytics

With Meetaverse™ you can now deliver an authentic experience like never before for sales meetings, guided tours, immersive presentations, and networking events while you continue to help your team feel like they belong, no matter where they work. Connect your team, revitalise your culture, and keep your employees happy.

We also recognise that the digital age has forced sales professionals to sell remotely, severely limiting selling potential. It’s tough to sell remotely and close deals over video calls when you can't control the sales. We provide efficiency with a solution to assist sales talent and organisations to develop relationships and accelerate sales with a corporate metaverse powered by Meetaverse™. Enabling businesses and individuals to create immersive sales experiences that qualify leads, build trust, and close more deals in fully customisable, digital workplaces. Get ready to accelerate your sales with Meetaverse™.

Meetaverse™ technology offers a remarkable and passionate level of customisation that allows an individual to control how they experience that message. For those looking to unleash their brand with Meetaverse™, you can invite your audience to an immersive and knowledgeable brand experience that expresses your brand's identity and values, engages your audience, and leaves a lasting impression.

As quoted by Allseated CEO Yaron Lipshitz – "The ways in which we work, and play have changed forever, and the metaverse will significantly disrupt how people and brands interact and engage. Almost every CMO, Sales manager, and HR leader we talk to is looking for ways to harness the power of the metaverse, and to drive new engagement paradigms with their customers, employees, and partners. New use cases and opportunities are rapidly forming, and the possibilities are endless,"

We can get you started in three easy steps:

1. Schedule a demo. Visit our corporate metaverse and experience the full range of customisation that you can apply to empower your organisation

2. Meet in the metaverse. Invite others into Meetaverse™ and brainstorm how a corporate metaverse can help your team thrive.

3. Create your metaverse. We'll help you design and build your ideal digital workplace to start working in the metaverse now.

Envision what your team can do with a digital workplace that's created for them and grows as their needs evolve. The possibilities are endless, and we are here to work together with you to lead your team into the future. Are you ready to build a thriving and extraordinary workplace with Meetaverse™?

Start working together in your own metaverse today with Meetaverse™ by Allseated.