elemental looks at the products and technologies – both current and in development – that provide heat, manage water, control air flow and energise our buildings.

A dynamic, solutions-driven experience, elemental expo will combine product-based exhibits with an extensive seminar and CPD programme looking at how we effectively manage heat, water, air and energy within the built environment, now and in the future.

“If you make decisions about heat, water, air and energy within the fabric of a building, or you are a business developing and manufacturing these technologies, elemental is for you,” said Event Director, Michael Costain.

In terms of visitors, elemental is for mechanical and electrical engineers, consultants, facilities managers, designers and specifiers working in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors, and building managers, end-user property owners, developers, contractors and installers working in healthcare, leisure, retail, hospitality, education and social housing.

From the perspective of an exhibitor, elemental is for manufacturers and service providers from around the world who are at the forefront of heat, water, air and energy technology.

“elemental is a solutions-driven exhibition,” said Mike Costain. “Our exhibitors recognise that buildings infrastructure projects require creative thinking and bespoke solutions – offering greater efficiency, increased sustainability and cost effectiveness.”

Event organisers, Lyrical Communications, who already have a firm foothold in the heating, plumbing and electrical trade sector with their InstallerSHOW, have been developing elemental as an online community for the past year.

“A face-to-face event will provide an annual focal point for the brand,” said Jim McClelland, who moderates the elemental webinar programme. “We have built up a large following over the past year, as well as a growing list of experts who are contributing to our content – all of this will translate into a powerful and influential live experience.”

There is no other exhibition in the UK quite like elemental. While existing building exhibitions might feature heat, water, air and energy, elemental makes them the stars of the show.

This clear distinction allows for a more considered concentration on these key elements – looking at how they interact with each other, and how they, more than any other part of a building, can bring about increased sustainability in a world where climate concerns are only increasing.

For more information about elemental, please visit https://www.elementalexpo.com